The Institute
At the crossroad BETWEEN science and businessSince 2016, and with the support of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute has been developing ground-breaking research to document the risks and financial performance of investments in unlisted infrastructure equity and debt, as well as the climate impacts and risks of these essential assets. The indices and benchmarks produced by EDHEC are recognised by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and used by investors representing USD700bn in infrastructure assets under management. The data produced by the institute is grounded in modern financial theory and the principles of fair value accounting, which are key pillars of sound financial risk management.
Through its work, the institute has shown that it is possible to measure market dynamics in private and illiquid markets and produce credible measures of the risk-adjusted performance of private assets that makes them comparable to other asset classes. The same data is used by policy makers and prudential authorities including the G20, the OECD, IAIS, and more.

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